Brush & Roll Painting Learning Center

5 Tips To Painting Your Iron Fence in Omaha, NE

Written by Bill Carlson | Oct 18, 2020 2:29:00 AM

5 Tips To Painting Your Iron Fence in Omaha, NE

When you have an iron fence that wraps around your property or even just parts of it, you will sometimes want to paint that fence to improve or even enhance the look.

Having your iron fence painted can also be good for its durability, as it can at times make the fence more resistant to the elements and even less likely to attract rust over the course of its life.

With that in mind, let's look at and consider five tips to painting your iron fence in Omaha, NE.

1. Rest Resistance Requires Rust Resistant Paint

Rust resistance doesn't just come built into every paint that you will consider using for your iron fence -- you actually have to specifically purchase paint that is resistant to rust.

Of course if you find out that the color that you want to be rust resistant isn't... you may have to look into if it's possible to get a rust resistant paint tinted to be the color that you actually prefer.

Rust resistant paint is of course better if you live in an area where you see more rain on average -- rust is one of those more insidious things that tends to eat away at and cause long term damage to your iron fence.

2. Protect The Area Being Painted

When you're painting your iron fence, you'll no doubt want to paint just the fence and not, say, the ground or plants that are near your fence.

There are a number of ways that you can do this, including putting down some tarp or drop cloth -- making sure of course not to use anything too heavy so as to not possibly damage your plants or flowers if you have any.

Grass shouldn't be a problem when it comes to this kind of covering -- and if your fence runs close enough to your home, you may want to put up some kind of plastic sheeting on the outside of the house to protect it from paint.

3. Clean

One of the most important things you can do in the painting process, whether you are painting on the inside of your house or the outside, comes when you are preparing that which is being painted.

This is true too when you are painting an iron fence on the outside of your house -- you can't just apply paint to your iron fence if it is dirty, especially if that mess is in the form of any kind of mold or mildew.

The problem with a really bad mold or mildew is that it can start creeping back after you paint -- so you're going to want to thoroughly clean your fence before you paint.

4. Also Sand First

When you're looking to paint your fence, you will want to have a surface that is as smooth as possible and the best way that you can do this is to first sand.

There is steel and brass wool that you will find to be suitable for the sanding process to get the fence sanded.

You may find that it is good to first take a wire brush to the fence and really scrub it to remove some of the loose paint and old rust that may have been on the fence beforehand.

5. Wait For Dry Weather

You can't paint when it's raining outside, as it really wrecks the painting process -- but it's important that you not just have dry weather while you are painting.

Rather, you are going to want to get a forecast of a couple of days worth of dry weather before you paint.

Mind you, it's entirely possible that you will still get rain even if you don't see rain in the forecast, but it's better to try to plan to paint without rain.

If you need a professional to help you with your exterior painting in Omaha, NE, our team at Brush & Roll Painting can help.