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Can You Touch Up a 2K Poly on Kitchen Cabinets?

August 28th, 2024 | 5 min read

By Kaylea Kuhlman

Inside of dark green painted cabinet door scraped by a trash can holder.

Imagine this: you’ve just invested in a beautiful kitchen remodel, and your new cabinets are the stunning focal point of your kitchen. However, over time, life happens—accidental bumps, scrapes, and general wear and tear start to show on those once-perfect cabinet doors. The last thing you want is for these small imperfections to detract from the overall look of your kitchen and not be able to fix it. 

This is why it’s essential to have a product on your painted or stained cabinets that touches up well. As there are hundreds of cabinet painting products on the market, there is a lot of misconceptions that go around about which products touch up well.

Hopefully you had a cabinet painter that has a good warranty or guarantee to cover accidental marks or nicks that you can call. Likely if the painter used a product that they believe in and trust, you're in luck.

At Brush & Roll Painting in Omaha, NE, it’s no secret that we use a high-quality cabinet product called Milesi, a 2K polyurethane (poly). By word of mouth, you may have heard that this product is difficult to touch up, but we’re here to say this isn’t true. 

We’ve spent years perfecting our techniques and knowledge in cabinet painting and refinishing. Our expertise in working with high-quality products like 2K polys means we know the ins and outs of maintaining and touching up these finishes to keep your cabinets looking as good as new.

In addition to 25+ years of expertise, we also have a 9-year labor and material warranty for all cabinet painting projects that covers these accidental marks as well as natural wear and tear. 

We understand the concerns and questions homeowners in Omaha have about maintaining their cabinets, and we’re here to provide you with clear, expert advice.

So, in this article, you’ll learn why 2K polyurethane, particularly Milesi, can be a great choice for longevity and how it can be touched up effectively. We’ll guide you through the touch-up process that your painter should take, explain when your cabinets may need to be touched up, and answer all your questions about maintaining that flawless finish.

By the end, you’ll feel confident in knowing how to keep your cabinets in top condition and if a 2k poly might be a good fit for what you are looking for on your cabinets.

2K Polyurethane For Cabinet Painting

2K polyurethane, or two-component polyurethane, is a highly durable and resistant coating used on cabinets and other surfaces that require a tough, long-lasting finish. The term "2K" refers to the two components that make up the product: the base and the hardener. When these two components are mixed, they create a chemical reaction that results in a hardened, protective surface.

Why Choose 2K Polyurethane for Cabinets?

  1. Durability: 2K polyurethane is known for its exceptional durability. It resists scratches, chips, and other common types of damage that can occur in a busy kitchen environment.
  2. Appearance: This finish provides a sleek, professional look that enhances the beauty of your cabinets. It can be customized to various sheens, from matte to high gloss, depending on your preference.
  3. Resistance: It offers excellent resistance to chemicals, heat, and moisture, making it ideal for kitchen cabinets that are exposed to various elements daily.
  4. Ease of Maintenance: One of the biggest misconceptions is that 2K polyurethane cannot be touched up easily. However, products like Milesi’s 2K polyurethane are designed to be easily maintained, even when it comes to touch-ups.

image2Process for Touching-Up Kitchen Cabinets

Touching up 2K polyurethane is not as daunting as it might seem. Here’s a detailed step-by-step guide on how professionals at Brush & Roll Painting handle touch-ups on cabinet doors.

Step 1: Identify the Imperfections

Before starting the touch-up process, it’s crucial to identify all areas that need attention. This can include scratches, chips, or areas where the finish has worn away on cabinet doors or boxes. 

Step 2: Clean the Surface

The area to be touched up must be clean and free of any grease, dust, or grime. Use a mild detergent and water to clean the surface, then let it dry completely. For stubborn grease spots, a bit of rubbing alcohol on a cloth can help.

Step 3: Sanding

Lightly sand the damaged area with fine-grit sandpaper (around 320 grit). The goal is to smooth out the edges of the scratch or chip and create a surface that the new coating can adhere to. Be careful not to sand too aggressively, as this can damage the surrounding finish.

Step 4: Apply the Touch-Up Product

Using a high-quality product like Milesi’s 2K polyurethane, mix a small amount of the base and hardener according to the manufacturer's instructions. Apply the mixture to the damaged area using a fine brush or a small applicator. It’s essential to apply the product evenly and avoid over-application.

Step 5: Feathering

Feathering the edges of the touch-up area helps blend the new finish with the existing one. Use a small brush to lightly blend the edges of the touch-up area, ensuring a seamless transition between the old and new finishes.

Step 6: Drying and Curing

Allow the touched-up area to dry completely. Depending on the specific product and environmental conditions, this can take a few hours. For the best results, let the area cure fully before using the cabinets as usual.

Do You Need to Touch Up Your Cabinets?

Touch-ups might be necessary for various reasons. Here are some common scenarios:

  1. Accidental Damage: Accidental scratches or chips from utensils, cookware, or other kitchen activities.
  2. Wear and Tear: Over time, even the most durable finishes can show signs of wear, especially in high-traffic areas like cabinet edges and handles.
  3. Installation Issues: Sometimes, minor damages occur during installation or other kitchen renovations that require touch-ups.
  4. Improper Cleaning: Using harsh cleaning agents can damage the finish, necessitating touch-ups to restore the original look.

Cabinet painter in Omaha touching up white cabinet door with white paint.

Hiring a Cabinet Painter in Omaha

While it’s possible to touch up 2K polyurethane yourself, hiring a professional painter for your initial cabinet project offers several advantages:

  1. Expertise: Professionals have the experience and knowledge to handle touch-ups with precision, ensuring a seamless finish.
  2. Proper Tools and Materials: Professional painters use high-quality products and tools that might not be readily available to the average homeowner.
  3. Time-Saving: Hiring a professional saves you time and effort, allowing you to focus on other important tasks.
  4. Guaranteed Results: With a professional, you can expect a flawless touch-up that maintains the beauty and durability of your cabinets.
  5. Warranty Protection: Reputable painting companies will offer warranties on their work. This means if any issues arise after the touch-up, you can have peace of mind knowing the company will address them at no additional cost. These painters are confident in their work and offer such warranties. On the opposite side, some painters use cheaper products with minimal prep work, so they don’t offer a warranty, if so, it’s only a 2-3 years long.

Touching Up Your Kitchen Cabinets

Maintaining the flawless look of your kitchen cabinets doesn’t have to be a daunting task. With the right approach and high-quality products like Milesi’s 2K polyurethane, touch-ups can be performed effectively and efficiently. We hope this guide has helped eliminate your concerns that 2K polyurethane is difficult to touch up. We also hope that it provided you with the knowledge to keep your cabinets looking their best, no matter which painter you hire and what product they use.

At Brush & Roll Painting, we’re here to help you make the best decisions for your painting projects. Whether it’s a small touch-up on a past project or a complete cabinet painting project, our 9-year labor and material warranty ensures that your cabinets will continue to enhance the beauty of your home for years to come. Click the button below to get a quote for a durable cabinet painting project that will last.


Any cabinet painting project can be overwhelming and complicated, so we created the cabinet painting project checklist for homeowners. This checklist will guide you through your project, so you can be confident in each phase and decision you need to make.

By checking off each phase as it goes, you can be confident you are making the right decisions for your project while staying stress-free.

Get Your Cabinet Project Checklist

Kaylea Kuhlman

Kaylea is the Brush & Roll Painting Content Manager.