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5 Risks Of Waiting After Winter To Paint Your Home's Exterior

September 19th, 2023 | 3 min read

By Kaylea Kuhlman

Light brown exterior of a house with latter on the left side.

As the warm embrace of summer gives way to the chilly winds of winter, you may notice your home needs to be repainted. Perhaps it’s a fading shade or peeling paint that catches your eye, but you are sure you would like to have your home repainted. 

The project can be overwhelming - the cost, the color, and hiring the right painting contractor. You might ask, “What harm could another season or another year do?”

The truth is, it can do a lot. In Omaha, Nebraska, we can have some harsh winter seasons with cold temperatures and lots of snow and ice.

The good news is that we can help make the exterior painting process more manageable. We are a trusted painting company in the Omaha area. Brush & Roll Painting has been in business since 1996 and has been transforming homes with durable, exterior paint. 

Over the years, we have seen many homeowners push exterior painting off when it needs to be done right away. In one instance, the quote had gone from $850 to $9,500 for just the damages and prep work alone in two years. 

In this article, we'll delve into the potential pitfalls of delaying your home's exterior painting and why it's essential to consider the long-term health and beauty of your property. By reading this, you’ll have more to consider about when you should hire a professional to paint the exterior of your home.

Risks of Postponing Exterior Painting

1. Vulnerability to Winter Elements

Winter weather in Nebraska can be particularly harsh on a home's exterior. Rain, snow, sleet, and freezing temperatures can cause substantial damage to surfaces that are not adequately protected.

If your home's exterior is left exposed without a fresh coat of paint to shield it from the elements, you could be setting yourself up for costly repairs down the line. Cracking, peeling, and deterioration of wood, siding, and other materials are all potential consequences of leaving your home untreated during the winter months.

Many high-quality exterior paints are made to withstand harsh weather conditions. A fresh coat of paint and a detailed prep work process is the number one way to protect your home for a harsh winter season.

2. Increased Repair Costs

Neglecting your home's exterior by postponing painting can lead to a cascade of issues. 

Once the winter weather has taken its toll, you may find yourself facing not only the cost of painting but also the expense of repairing damaged surfaces. Painting the exterior of your home is an investment, no matter what. But, the price will be much higher as the issues rise.

Repairs can involve replacing rotted wood, fixing cracked siding, and structural problems that arise from extended exposure to the elements. These issues take time and materials for painters to fix.

By investing in timely exterior painting now, you can prevent these problems from escalating and save yourself from a significant financial burden.

3. Diminished Curb Appeal

Your home's exterior serves as its first impression, and a worn, weathered appearance can significantly impact its curb appeal. 

Delaying painting until after the winter season can leave your home looking tired and neglected. Faded and peeling paint not only detracts from the overall aesthetics but also gives the impression that maintenance needs to be addressed. 

Protecting your home's curb appeal is crucial for its value and for maintaining the neighborhood's overall visual appeal. 

Suppose visual appeal is not an important factor for you. In that case, it might be for your neighbors, notably on December evenings when many families may drive in your neighborhood looking at Christmas lights and decorations. 

4. Mold and Mildew Growth

Winter weather creates an easy environment for mold and mildew growth on unprotected surfaces. 

Moisture can seep into cracks and crevices, leading to the development of these unsightly and potentially harmful organisms. Mold and mildew growth not only impact the appearance of your home but can also compromise indoor air quality and pose health risks to your family. 

A fresh coat of paint is a barrier against moisture infiltration, preventing the growth of these unwelcome intruders.

5. Limited Painting Window

Once spring arrives, the demand for exterior painting services tends to surge. This increased demand can lead to longer waiting periods as painting companies need help accommodating the influx of requests. 

By scheduling your exterior painting project well before winter sets in, you can take advantage of a wider window of availability.



While the allure of waiting until after the winter season to paint your home's exterior may seem enticing, it's essential to consider the potential risks involved. 

From vulnerability to the elements to increased repair costs and diminished curb appeal, the consequences of postponing painting can be far-reaching and costly. By prioritizing timely exterior painting, you're not only protecting your home's structural integrity and aesthetics but also making a wise investment in its long-term value and your family's well-being. 

When you are ready to have your exterior painted with a detailed prep work process and a high-quality paint that provides lasting color, schedule an estimate with Brush & Roll Painting. With our warranty, your paint is guaranteed to last for many winter seasons.



Next, learn about the advantages of exterior painting in the fall. As noted in this article, waiting until spring in a few months poses its risks, so painting in the fall is oftentimes the best bet.

Kaylea Kuhlman

Kaylea is the Brush & Roll Painting Content Manager.