Transforming the exterior of your home goes beyond just a task or obligation - it's a way to set your home apart from the rest and infuse it with your personal touch. Additionally, it serves as a shield against external elements, safeguarding your home from weather conditions, water damage, and pests.
Brush & Roll Painting is a high-quality residential exterior painting company in Omaha, NE. We have painted thousands of homes across the metro with our extensive prep work process and with durable exterior paint products.
Painting the exterior of your Omaha home is therefore extremely important, and you cannot ignore it if there is pressing damage. While there are many reasons that can make you want to repaint your exterior, here are the main five main ones!
By reading this article, you can make an informed decision on if now is a good time to have the exterior of your home repainted.
1. Exterior Gaps or Holes on Walls
This may be quite frustrating, and it may happen due to the use of a low-quality caulk or poor priming of the surface before caulking. It also may be caused by using the wrong type of caulk for a specific application.
All these reasons result in cracking of the caulk which gets pulled away from the surface, leaving your home prone to water or bugs invasion. This problem can be solved by filling out the small cracks with fresh caulking. But large cracks might require a new paint job.
Woodpecker holes can also be a cause for concern when it comes to the exterior of your home. These small, perfectly round holes can be unsightly and may lead to further damage if left untreated. Woodpeckers create these holes in search of insects or to establish territory, but they can weaken the structural integrity of your home's siding.
If you notice woodpecker activity on your property, it's essential to address the issue promptly to prevent any additional damage. Repairing these holes and repainting the affected areas can help maintain the appearance and protection of your home's exterior. By taking action against woodpecker holes, you can ensure that your home remains secure and visually appealing for years to come.
2. Peeling Exterior Paint
It’s probably time to take immediate action when you start noticing signs of peeling paint. They’re a warning sign that your home is exposed and could be damaged by the rain and sun.
The longer you ignore this problem, the more damage, and problems it causes. Ignore the issue long enough and it will find its way into the interior walls of your home. Thankfully, a fresh coat of paint with a bit of regular maintenance can ensure that your paint job lasts longer and issues of water damage are eliminated. Choose a quality painting company to avoid signs of a poor paint job.
3. Faded Exterior Paint
Whichever type of paint you use, it will eventually break down over time. And fading is just one of the first signs that you need to do something. It’s typically caused by prolonged exposure of your paint job to directly UV rays of the sun. This causes the paint to oxidize and fade, making the exterior of your home look old and worn out before its time.
The fading process is, however, rather slow and not always obvious. To tell if your paint is fading, use a rag to rub off the paint, and if the paint comes off the siding, it's a clear sign that your home is missing the external protection it needs, and it needs a new coat of
paint. When applying a new coat of paint, make sure to use high-quality paint that has UV protection to minimize fading.
4. Mold or Mildew on Exterior Home
Nothing makes your house look more old or dirty than the growth of mold or mildew on the siding of your home. Gray or black spots on your home’s exterior may be mildew or algae caused by poor air circulation and excessive moisture.
If left untreated, the paint could flake or crack allowing moisture to seep into the wood. This further causes wood rot, more mildew, and mold growth. Check closely on the door and window frames, which is where this problem tends to begin. We advise that you properly identify and address the underlying causes of mold and mildew, and repaint your home as soon as possible to avoid further damage.
5. Rotted Wood on Exterior Trim or Siding
If your home has lots of wood siding, framing, and plywood sheathing, it may need proper protection from water damage. Moisture or water are the main causes of rotted wood. When water gets into the cracks of the wood and doesn't dry out for a long time, it becomes a perfect place for the proliferation of fungi. This causes wood to decay further and severely damage the exterior of your home.
If you find yourself needing to replace elements of your home’s exterior, we recommend getting it repainted to make sure your siding is properly protected against the elements.
Should You Paint the Exterior of Your Home?
Exterior painting can be a a major project and overwhelming to tackle. But the 5 reasons discussed in this article are telling signs that your home needs to be painted. To have a flawless exterior painting project, hire a reputable painting company in Omaha.
At Brush & Roll Painting, we know that home painting is a serious investment. We also believe that any paint job is only as good as the prep. We know we are not the best choice for every painting project, but we want to guide you through your project, so you don't make any mistakes.
To be confident and comfortable through every phase of your exterior painting project, download your checklist now.
Bill is the owner and operator of Brush & Roll Painting. Bill Carlson is a second-generation painter. He grew up working with his father’s painting and restoration company. After graduating from Bennington High School, he served in the US Navy, traveling with the boxing team. While this was a great opportunity to see the world, it also made him realize how much he loved his little world here in Nebraska. He settled back into the painting industry, working with his brother. It wasn’t long before Bill’s entrepreneurial spirit pushed him to start his own business. Always one for a challenge, he longed to prove to himself that he could be as successful on his own as both his dad and brother were.