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9 Benefits of Power Washing Your Home in Omaha

August 23rd, 2024 | 3 min read

By Kaylea Kuhlman

Power washer spraying dirty off white siding on home to clean it before painting.

Let's face it, Omaha weather can be tough on our homes. From hot summers with harmful thunderstorms and tornados to frigid winters, our houses take a real beating. But don’t worry. Power washing isn't just about making your home look pretty (though that's a nice bonus).

At Brush & Roll Painting, we've been helping Omaha homeowners rejuvenate their properties for years. Our team has seen firsthand how annual power washing can transform a home. We've tackled everything from stubborn mildew on vinyl siding to years of built-up grime.

In this article, we will discuss the benefits of power-washing your home 1-2 times a year. By the time you finish reading, you'll know exactly why power washing is more than just a spring cleaning check mark, when it's time to hire someone to power wash, and how to approach the task for the best results. 

1. Exterior House Curb Appeal 

First impressions matter, and your home's exterior is its handshake with the world. A power-washed home stands out in a neighborhood and just looks more fresh.

More importantly, it can give you a sense of pride in your home. It can also be relieving knowing that you are taking measures to maintain your house. Also, who doesn’t love to cross a home maintenance project off of their to-do list?

Home owner in Omaha power washing their home.

2. Preventative Maintenance For Your Home

Power washing is a shield of armor for your home. All that gunk building up on your surfaces? It's not just unsightly – it's potentially damaging. Mold, mildew, and algae can slowly eat away at your home's exterior.

Regular power washing keeps these nasties at bay, preventing damage to your siding, roof, and other surfaces. We’ll tell you now, preventing damage is a whole lot cheaper than repairing it. 

3. Healthier Home, Healthier You

Did you know that the outside of your home can affect the inside?

All that mold, mildew, and pollen clinging to your exterior can make its way inside, triggering allergies and respiratory issues. By power washing regularly, you're not just cleaning your house – you're creating a healthier environment for you and your family.

Brush & Roll Painting painter doing prep work on exterior of home after power washing.

4. Prep Work Before Painting Your Home Exterior

Planning to repaint your home's exterior? Thinking about refinishing your deck? Hold your horses! Power washing is the first secret step of prep work. It clears away all the grime and loose paint, creating a clean canvas for your next project.

This means better adhesion for paint and stains, which translates to a longer-lasting finish. It's like giving your project a head start.

5. Energy Efficiency For Your Home Exterior 

Here's something you might not have considered: a clean home is an energy-efficient home. All the dirt and grime can actually trap heat, makes your air conditioning work overtime in the summer.

By power washing your home, you're helping it reflect heat better, potentially lowering your cooling costs. 

Painter spraying exterior of home for power washing services in Omaha.6. Protect Your Exterior Home Investment

Your home is likely the biggest investment you'll ever make. Power washing is like giving part of that investment a regular check-up.

By removing harmful substances and preventing damage, you're extending the life of your siding, roof, driveway, and more. It's a small price to pay to keep your big investment in tip-top shape.


7. Time-Saving Exterior Maintenance

Sure, power washing takes some time and money. But think about all the time you'll save in the long run. No more scrubbing at stubborn stains with a toothbrush. No more repainting because your old paint job wore out too quickly.

Instead, you can spend that time enjoying your beautiful, clean home. Fire up the grill, invite some friends over, and enjoy your sparkling exterior.

8. Eco-Friendly Home Cleaning

Now, I know what some of you might be thinking: "Isn't power washing just wasting a ton of water?" It's a valid concern. But here's the thing: professional power washing services typically use far less water than you might expect.

Many use high-efficiency equipment that can clean effectively while using as little as 3 gallons per minute. That's less than a third of what your garden hose uses. 

Person power washing their driveway and garden concrete area to clean it.

9. Areas To Power Wash Your House

Power washing isn't just for your siding. If you choose to rent a power washer, you hire someone to do multiple jobs, many surfaces can be cleaned. You can use it on your:

  • Windows
  • Driveway 
  • Deck 
  • Fence 
  • Outdoor furniture 
  • Garage floor 

Power Washing Your Home in Omaha

Remember that grimy, embarrassing exterior we talked about at the beginning? It's a thing of the past now! Armed with the knowledge from this article, you're well-equipped to tackle the task of power washing your Omaha home. 

Whether you choose to rent a power washer or call in a power washing company in Omaha, you now understand the importance of this maintenance task.

At Brush & Roll Painting, we're passionate about helping Omaha homeowners keep their properties in top shape. While we've shared a wealth of information here, we know that every home is unique. If you're feeling overwhelmed or just want expert advice tailored to your specific situation, we're here to help.

Click the button below to get a quote for your power washing or exterior painting project.


Next, click here to discover the cost of renting a power washer and the cost of hiring a professional power washing company.

Kaylea Kuhlman

Kaylea is the Brush & Roll Painting Content Manager.