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What to Expect at a Color Consultation for Your Painting Project

June 21st, 2024 | 5 min read

By Kaylea Kuhlman

Overview of a table. 2 people sitting down looking at decor images and paint color samples and gradients.

Choosing the right color for your home can be a daunting task. You may find yourself staring at endless paint swatches, feeling overwhelmed by the number of options. Perhaps you're unsure how different colors will look in your space or how they'll affect the overall feel of your home. This uncertainty can lead to frustration and second-guessing, making what should be a fun and exciting process feel stressful and confusing.

At Brush & Roll Painting, we understand these challenges. With 25+ years of experience in the painting industry, we've helped countless homeowners in Omaha, Nebraska navigate the complex world of color selection. Our team of skilled professionals knows how to balance aesthetics with high-quality products and materials to achieve stunning and lasting results. We're here to share our knowledge and make your painting project as smooth and enjoyable as possible.

In this article, we'll walk you through what to expect during a color consultation for your painting project. You'll learn about the consultations, how recommendations are made, the benefits of working with a designer, and paint schedules. By the end, you'll have a clear understanding of the process of a color consultation for your next painting project.

What is a Color Consultation?

A color consultation is a service offered by interior designers and some professional painting companies to help you choose the best colors for your painting projects. During a color consultation, an expert designer or certified color specialist will visit your home to discuss your vision, preferences, and the specific needs of your space. 

This personalized approach ensures You are confident in the colors you choose. They will also help be sure that the chosen colors complement your home's architecture, existing décor, and personal style.

Person choosing paint colors from a color swatch pallete.

Why is a Color Consultation Important?

Choosing the right color isn't just about picking something that looks good. Colors can influence mood, create a sense of space, and even affect how light interacts with a room. A professional color consultation helps you make informed decisions that enhance the beauty and functionality of your home. It also prevents costly mistakes and the frustration of repainting.

How Much Does a Color Consultation Cost?

The cost of hiring a color consultant can vary widely, influenced by several key factors. One of the primary determinants is the size and complexity of your project. A larger home with multiple rooms and varied lighting conditions requires more time and expertise to develop a cohesive color scheme than a smaller, simpler project. Additionally, the consultant's level of experience and reputation plays a significant role in their pricing. Highly experienced consultants with a strong portfolio and positive client testimonials may charge more for their services.

Typically, you can expect to pay between $100 and $400 per hour for a professional color consultation. These sessions usually last around one hour, providing ample time for the consultant to understand your needs, assess your space, and offer expert recommendations. This rate might seem like a considerable expense initially. However, it's important to view this cost in the context of the overall value it brings to your painting project.

It's also worth noting that some professional painting companies include color consultation in their service packages, meaning there is no extra cost. This can be a significant advantage, as you receive expert advice without the additional expense. These consultations are typically one hour long and are integrated into the overall project planning, ensuring that your painting project starts on the right foot. If you want to have consultation services beyond the first hour, it may be an additional charge.

On the other hand, many low-cost painters do not offer color consultation services. These painters may provide a basic service at a lower price, but without the professional guidance on color selection, you might face the risk of making costly mistakes that could lead to dissatisfaction with the final result.

The Process of a Color Consultation

  1. Agreeing to a painting quote & setting up a meeting: If you are going with your painter’s color consultant or designer, you will likely need to agree to a painting quote and choose them for your project. After agreeing to a quote, you can get on the consultants schedule. 

If you are seeking a designer on your own, you will need to review pricing and set up your meeting.

  1. Initial Meeting: The process usually begins with an initial meeting where the consultant gets to know you and your home. This may involve discussing your favorite colors, any existing furnishings, and the overall look you're trying to achieve.
  2. Home Assessment: The consultant will then assess the space, considering factors like natural light, room size, and architectural features. They might take photos and measurements to ensure they have all the information needed to make the best recommendations.
  3. Color Selection: Based on the initial meeting and home assessment, the consultant will present a selection of colors that align with your vision. They might use color swatches, digital renderings, or even sample paints to help you visualize the options.
  4. Paint Schedules: Once the colors are selected, the consultant will create a paint schedule. This schedule is a detailed plan that specifies which colors will be used in each room or area of your home. It includes information about the type of paint (e.g., matte, satin, gloss), the exact color codes, and any special instructions for the painting crew. The paint schedule ensures that everyone involved in the project is on the same page and that the work is done efficiently and accurately.
  5. Final Decision: After discussing the pros and cons of each option, you'll make a final decision on the colors. The consultant will provide detailed notes and color codes to ensure the painting crew knows exactly what to do.

Interior living space with artwork hung on white walls and 2 yellow chairs with a side table in between.

How Paint Color Recommendations are Made

Professional color consultants consider several factors when making recommendations:

  1. Style and Preferences: Your personal style and preferences are paramount. The consultant will ask about your favorite colors, design inspirations, and any specific themes you want to incorporate.
  2. Existing Décor: The colors should complement your existing furniture, artwork, and other décor elements. The consultant will consider how the new colors will harmonize with these items.
  3. Lighting: Natural and artificial lighting can dramatically affect how colors appear. The consultant will assess the lighting in each room to ensure the chosen colors look their best throughout the day.
  4. Room Function: Different colors are suited to different types of rooms. For example, calm, soothing colors are ideal for bedrooms, while vibrant, energetic colors work well in kitchens and living areas.
  5. Trends and Timelessness: While it can be fun to stay current with trends, the consultant will also consider timeless color choices that won't look dated in a few years.


Working with a Designer

If you are seeking a cohesive, professionally designed look, working with an interior designer can be highly beneficial. Designers have a deep understanding of color theory and how different hues interact with each other. 

They can create a comprehensive design plan that includes not just paint colors but also furnishings, fabrics, and accessories. This holistic approach ensures that every element of your home works together seamlessly.


Benefits of a Color Consultation

  1. Expert Advice: Professional color consultants bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to the table. They can help you avoid common mistakes and achieve the best possible results.
  2. Confidence in Your Choices: With expert guidance, you'll feel confident in your color choices, knowing that they have been carefully considered and selected to enhance your home.
  3. Time and Money Savings: A color consultation can save you time and money by preventing costly mistakes and the need for repainting.
  4. Personalized Service: The consultation process is tailored to your specific needs and preferences, ensuring that the final result reflects your unique style. This also means that you could ask their opinion on other projects as well, if time allows.
  5. Comprehensive Planning: The inclusion of a detailed paint schedule ensures that the painting process is well-organized and that every detail is accounted for, leading to a smoother and more efficient project execution.

Picking The Best Paint Color for You

Choosing the right color for your home can be a challenging task, but it doesn't have to be. This article has guided you through the color consultation process, highlighting how recommendations are made, the benefits of working with a designer, and the importance of paint schedules. Armed with this knowledge, you're now better equipped to make informed decisions and transform your home with confidence.

At Brush & Roll Painting, we're here to help you every step of the way. Our professional color consultants are dedicated to making your painting project a success, ensuring that your home looks beautiful and feels exactly how you envisioned. By addressing your initial concerns and providing expert guidance, we want to help you be confident in your color selection process.


If you are looking to transform your home with a painting project, it's essential that you hire the right painter for the job, so you don't have any costly regrets. Download the ultimate guide to hiring a painter so that you are prepared to hire the best painter for your project.


Kaylea Kuhlman

Kaylea is the Brush & Roll Painting Content Manager.