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Benefits of Hiring a Pro for Kitchen Cabinet Painting in Omaha, NE.

January 19th, 2022 | 2 min read

By Bill Carlson

If your kitchen cabinets are looking a little tired and dated but still in good physical condition, you don’t have to replace them. A fresh coat of paint can restore the looks of your kitchen cabinets and offer an added layer of protection against surface wear and tear. Compared to replacing them with brand new ones, kitchen cabinet repainting is significantly affordable, relatively easy, and equally transformative.

Having said that, you might be wondering if you should really hire a professional painting contractor in Omaha, NE, or go DIY. Like many other home improvement projects, hiring a professional comes with numerous benefits and invaluable peace of mind. Here is a quick look at the main benefits of hiring a professional painter for your kitchen cabinets.


Professional Advice

The benefits of hiring a professional painter for kitchen cabinet painting begin even before the actual painting starts. The pros can offer critical advice on the type of paint and colors to use, which is one of the most underrated but surprisingly difficult parts of cabinet repainting. They will help you choose the best paint brands, durable formulations, and trendy colors that perfectly blend into your interior paint color scheme and décor. The best part is, this advice is free.


Tools and Equipment

If you’re considering taking the DIY route, chances are the only tools you have are a brush and paint. Professional painting contractors, on the other hand, have invested heavily in a wide range of quality tools that make their work efficient and professional. Investing in so many tools and equipment for a one-off DIY project as a homeowner might not be economically viable.


Thorough Prep-work

Repainting kitchen cabinets are much more than just changing or updating the color on the surface. Before the actual painting takes place, the surface needs to be cleaned, and any loose old paint needs to be stripped off or sanded. Next, a quality primer is applied before applying two coats of paint. The prep work is what determines the quality and durability of the paint job. The pros understand this all too well, which is why they take their time and effort on surface preparation.


Timely And Convenient

Depending on your home’s design, the kitchen is probably the busiest room in your home. It serves as a meal preparation area, a dining room, a gathering place, and sometimes kids do their homework there. If you’re doing DIY painting in the kitchen, you might find it hard to get enough time between work, family, and other obligations to complete the job on time.

For professional kitchen cabinet painters, this is what they do for a living, and they will set aside enough time and manpower to make sure painting is completed quickly and timely. Having years of experience, they have tips and tricks up their sleeves to help them complete the job faster without compromising on quality.


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After-Job Clean Up

Painting can be a rather messy project, and cleaning the sanding residues, paint splatters, dust and all the debris generated during the process can be stressful. Professional painters have the training and experience that helps them to minimize and contain paint job debris and splutters. In addition, they will clean up their workplace, making sure that your kitchen and any other workstation used remains clean and even more beautiful than before.


The Bottom Line

Hiring a professional kitchen cabinet painting company in Omaha, NE comes with invaluable convenience and peace of mind and ensures that your paint job is completed faster, lasts longer, and looks great.

At Brush & Roll Painting, we know that home painting is a serious investment. We also believe that any paint job is only as good as the prep. If you want a quality paint job that will stand the test of time, give us a call at (402) 932-9764 or schedule an estimate online.

Bill Carlson

Bill is the owner and operator of Brush & Roll Painting.