Wood furniture is common in many homes around the world, thanks to its durability, sturdiness, and variety of styles and colors. The decision on whether or not you should refinish your wood furniture depends mainly on the cost of the furniture and any personal value you’ve placed on it.
Wood furniture refinishing can be quite labor intensive, an average DIY enthusiast might not be able to pull it off. But first, it’s critical to find out whether you should trash or save your piece.
As a high-quality painting company in Omaha, NE, at Brush & Roll Painting we have refinished or painted thousands of pieces of furniture. From dining room chairs to pool tables, we have seen it all.
In this article, we will discuss some factors of when you should and when you should not have your furniture painted. By reading this article, you can make an informed decision on if you should refresh your furniture or buy something new.
Is Wood Furniture Worth Painting?
Painting is generally meant to provide enhance or transform something. Changing the color or refreshing the original shade or stain can bring it back to life. It can also transform into a piece that matches and adds to your home's style.
Painting also adds an extra layer of protection to your wood furniture. This is useful for moisture and mold, as well as holding up to natural wear and tear.
Like any consideration, painting wood furniture can have its drawbacks as well. You may find that a piece of furniture has been painted before to cover stains, burns, water damage, filled holes, etc. Uncovering the paint during your refinishing effort could reveal even more work whose results won’t be worth the effort. If your furniture has a translucent
Unless your piece of furniture is an antique or has a priceless sentimental value to you, you might want to reconsider refinishing an extremely aged, dented or damaged piece of furniture. Restoring older, damaged furniture is quite involving, and if too many repairs are required, the cost of restoration might be more than what you need for a new piece.
If your furniture is made from random boards that are from different trees, has spindles that are very close together or has too many deeply carved parts, it’s going to need extra work and advanced techniques. And this means extra cost of labor.
Cost of Painting Wood Furniture
If you are going the DIY route- you can price out the cost of materials you think you would need from your local hardware store. On average this is about $75-$200.
If you are looking to hire a professional painter to paint the furniture, you can call a few local painters to get a free quote on what the project would cost. Often times with furniture, some painters may be able to give you a quote through an image.
The factors of the cost of painting wood furniture depends on the size of the item, the quantity, the current condition of the wood, labor, and materials.
On average, hiring a painting company to paint furniture can range from $400-1,500.
Structure Sturdiness
In order to refinish your wood, you need to find out if it’s structurally fit. One of the quickest ways to check if your furniture is worth refinishing is by trying to gently shake it back and forth. If the piece shifts under the weight of your hands, chances are the screws, nails or glue is becoming loose in the joints.
If the joints are loose, you might want to call a handyman to take the furniture apart and apply new glue or tighten up some screws. Don’t underestimate the effort and skill required to re-glue a piece of furniture, and it can be time-consuming too. Either way, refinishing won’t be a smart move until the necessary repairs have been done.
Antique Wood Furniture
A piece of furniture can be considered an antique if it’s at least 100 years old, and usually holds a higher value. However, not everything that is technically considered an antique holds a lot of value. Generally, if you own any furniture that was produced before 1850, you will probably need a professional to asses it and advise whether or not it’s worth restoring or conserving.
Trying to refinish centuries-old furniture without using a professional can damage the furniture and lessen its value. However, wood furniture that was made between 1850 and 1960 can be easily refinished because they were made sturdier using solid wood. Refinishing the furniture will allow you to change the stain, or even the color of the furniture to better match the décor of your house.
Painting Your Wood Furniture
In conclusion, refinishing wood furniture can bring new life to your beloved pieces, but it's important to consider factors like cost, structure sturdiness, and the value of antique pieces.
Whether you choose to DIY or hire a professional like Brush & Roll Painting, make sure to assess the condition of your furniture before diving into a painting project.
At Brush & Roll Painting, with experience since 1996, we have grown a team of skilled professionals. We have the knowledge and techniques required to transform your beloved pieces into stunning works of art.
If you are looking for a professional finish and results you love, download the ultimate guide to hiring a painter to help you make an informed decision on who you should hire for the project.
Bill is the owner and operator of Brush & Roll Painting. Bill Carlson is a second-generation painter. He grew up working with his father’s painting and restoration company. After graduating from Bennington High School, he served in the US Navy, traveling with the boxing team. While this was a great opportunity to see the world, it also made him realize how much he loved his little world here in Nebraska. He settled back into the painting industry, working with his brother. It wasn’t long before Bill’s entrepreneurial spirit pushed him to start his own business. Always one for a challenge, he longed to prove to himself that he could be as successful on his own as both his dad and brother were.