Low-Cost vs High-Cost Interior Painting: What You Can Expect From Each
June 28th, 2023
4 min read

Everybody wants to save money. Whether it is for a vacation overseas, a new car, or an interior painting project. However, it is good to be aware that a low-cost interior painting project can cause issues later down the road.
This article will give you everything you can expect from a low and a high-cost interior painting job. By reading this, you will be able to confidently know what you are looking for from your next interior painting contractor.
Brush & Roll Painting in Omaha, NE, has industry skills and experience gained from being a locally owned and operated business since 1996. Our high-quality process comes with value and durable, lasting results.
Low-Cost Interior Painting Job Expectations
1. Little to no prep work
Companies or painters that provide low-cost painting services cut corners. They take shortcuts by eliminating their costs and time. Painters with a low-cost process won’t take the time for prep work.
Interior prep work ideally involves masking off edges with tape, laying drop cloths, spackling holes, taking off light switches and outlets, etc. It can be repetitive and minuscule, but without these tasks some problems may arise including uneven lines, splattered paint, and rough patches, just to name a few.
Prep work is meant to protect your space. When a painter doesn’t take the time to lay drop cloths or mask off trim, for example, they aren’t respecting your home the way they should.
2. Cheap paint and materials
Cheap paint and materials are one of the most common ways that companies get their jobs done at a fairly inexpensive cost.
Paint companies, like Benjamin Moore and Sherwin Williams, carry a range of low to high-quality paint products. It is good to understand that contractor-grade paints are typically on the medium to low-quality spectrum.
Cheap paint from the hardware store will not be durable. Paint products can be easily marketed to be superior, but even with prep work, the components are destined to fail over time.
Low-quality paint might appear to look decent for the first few months, but it won’t take long before it is easily damaged and difficult to clean.
The properties in low-quality paint are not strong enough to retain color, be easy to clean, and resist nicks and scratches. With any interior paint project, comparing low vs high-quality interior paint products is crucial.
3. Painters are rushed
To maintain a low cost, these painters strive to get in and out of homes quickly. This is ideal for both the painters and the homeowners, but the rushed work will show.
Rushed work can be seen through no prep work, when there are messy lines, or when it is obvious that another coat of paint is needed.
When painters rush through their work they don’t protect your space. Drop cloths, plastic, tape, and/or paper should be put down before paint is applied.
A huge mess can be made without these protective measures. Uncovered spaces can lead to paint getting spilled onto carpets, hardwood floors, and even furniture without getting taken care of. In an unfortunate number of cases, the painter will not be the one cleaning it up.
4. Little to no warranty
Many low-cost painters know that their work will not hold up over a long time, so they don’t provide a warranty.
When homeowners eventually deal with the leftover damage, they are left with a new price for repairs or another complete repaint job.
5. The paint is easily damaged
Low-cost painters provide work that is easily damageable.
When considering paint in high-traffic areas, accidents do happen and the paint will be chipped from time to time. However, when interior paint is not properly applied, it feels like new problem areas arise daily.
Spills and splatters are bound to happen as well. Low-quality paint will be difficult to clean as it will rub off the paint color. It takes extreme caution to clean on top of damaged paint, as it is at risk for further damage.
It is crucial to trust and be confident in the companies you trust in your home and with your money.
High-Quality Interior Painting Project Expectations
1. Detailed prep work
Thorough prep work is given when choosing high-quality painting companies. Painters with knowledge and expertise will practice and believe that any painting project is only as good as the prep work.
Precision and accuracy are a part of the price. Clean and crisp lines should be expected.
A great detailed prep work list includes: moving furniture, masking off edges with tape, laying drop cloths, spackling holes, taking off light switches and outlets, protecting nail holes that need to be saved, and pole sanding.
After extensive prep work is completed, you shouldn’t be able to see problem areas. The paint should look seamless and the lines should look crisp. If you can see problem areas, it's likely there was little to no prep work done.
2. High-quality paint and materials
High-quality paint is guaranteed to have components and ingredients that make the price worth it. Some of these components are mold and mildew resistance, fade-resistance will fight against scratches, chips, and nicks, stains, and more.
High-quality paints, like these top 3 from Benjamin Moore, have exclusive technologies that expand the reach of color to provide true color pay-off. Benjamin Moore’s innovative technology counteracts chemicals that typically make paint weak.
3. Excellent communication throughout the whole process
As a homeowner simply looking for a few fresh coats of paint for your home, you deserve a streamlined process and excellent communication right off the bat with a painting company.
A high-quality company will have the expertise from many years of perfecting its process and customer service.
4. Valuable warranty
A warranty will tell you how much a company believes in its process and service. The longer the warranty, the more a company can trust that its process and the products it used will do its job and be durable.
As mentioned above, accidents do happen and problems do arise, so a great warranty will make up for it.
A great warranty should protect you for many years. By the end of a warranty period, your paint should look just as good as it did when the project was finished and the warranty began.
5. Value for your money
Investing in your interior paint work will save you money in the long run.
Instead of needing constant touch-ups or a full repaint after a few years, your paint is set to last you 10-20 years.
Going through an easy process and a seamless job will make every penny worth it in the end.
Hiring a Painter in Omaha
Minor details aside, when choosing a painting company, find one that will fit you and your home's needs. Interior painting is a key component to transforming your home, so make decisions that you are confident and comfortable with.
To get a feel for a high-quality painting company in Omaha, NE, schedule an estimate with Brush & Roll Painting. Our interior painting service has a 9-year warranty, high-quality products, and a proven prep work process.
Next, check out our Guide to Interior Painting to make sure you have everything checked off before your project begins.
Kaylea is the Brush & Roll Painting Content Manager. Kaylea is a Journalism and Media Communications summa cum laude graduate with a minor in Marketing from the University of Nebraska at Omaha. Kaylea manages the marketing for Brush & Roll Painting.